Rabu, 01 Mei 2013


 Exercise 13 : verb as complements 

Choose the correct form of the verb – in parentheses in the following sentences.

1       The teacher decided ( accepting / to accept ) the paper.

 The teacher decided to accept the paper.

2       They appreciate ( to have / having ) this information.

 They appreciate to have this information.

3       His father doesn’t approve of his ( going / to go ) to Europe.

 His father doesn’t approve of his going to Europe.

4       We found it very difficult ( reaching / to reach ) a decision.

 We found it very difficult to reach a decision.

5       Donna is interested in ( to open / opening ) a bar.

 Donna is interested in opening a bar.

6       George has no intention of ( to leave / leaving ) the city now.

 George has no intention of leaving the city now.

7       We are eager ( to return / returning ) to school in the fall.

 We are eager to return to school in the fall.

8       You would be better off ( to buy / buying ) this car.

 You would be better off buying this car.
9       She refused ( to accept / accepting ) the gift.

 She refused to accept the gift.

10   Mary regrets ( to be / being ) the one to have to tell him.

 Mary regrets to be the one to have to tell him.

11   George pretended ( to be / being ) sick yesterday.

 George pretended being sick yesterday.

12   Carlos hopes ( to finish / finishing ) his thesis this year.

 Carlos hopes to finish his thesis this year.

13   They agreed ( to leave / leaving ) early.

 They agreed to leave early.

14   Helen was anxious ( to tell / telling ) her family about her promotion.

 Helen was anxious to tell her family about her promotion.

15   We are not ready ( to stop / stopping ) this research at this time.

 We are not ready to stop this research at this time.

16   Henry shouldn’t risk ( to drive / driving ) so fast.

 Henry shouldn’t risk to drive so fast.

17   He demands ( to know / knowing ) what is going on.

 He demands to know what is going on.

18   She is looking forward to ( return / returning ) to her country.

 She is looking forward to return to her country.

19   There is no excuse for ( to leave / leaving ) the room in this condition.

 There is no excuse for leaving the room in this condition.

20   Gerald returned to his home after ( to leave / leaving ) the game.

 Gerald returned to his home after leaving the game.

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